A sustainable future
The Göteborgsvarvet is organized by the Gothenburg Athletics Association for the benefit of athletics activities in the region. Around 3,000 volunteers are involved from the athletics associations in the district, but also sports associations from many other sports are involved in the event. The surplus goes directly back to the sports movement to be invested in the associations' youth activities and the operation of the Friidrottens Hus training facility.

Social Sustainability:Inspire to live an active life from young age
With our races Minivarvet and Lilla Varvet, which are aimed for younger runners, we want to encourage and inspire children and young people to start moving and living an active life from a young age. Minivarvet på förskolan (Minivarvet at preschool) is our latest venture, which we started together with Göteborg Energi in the fall of 2021 due to the pandemic. The city's preschools got the chance to organize their own Minivarvet on home ground. In total, we have involved many preschools in Gothenburg with surrounding municipalities and a total of 16,000 children have run Minivarvet på förskolan during the two years that it has been organized.

ISO 20121:Certification
Göteborgsvarvet aims to be at the forefront in protecting the environment and working towards a more sustainable event. Thanks to our hard work and efforts we are ISO 20121 certified. In our sustainability efforts we have already made quite a number of changes that have reduced our carbon footprint and negative effect on the environment and climate change.

We are continually working towards improving the way we handle waste products during Göteborgsvarvet and Varvet week and try to recycle as much as possible. Every year the percentage that is recycled increases and what isn’t recycled is sent to an energy-from-waste facility where renewable energy or district heating is produced. Conveniently placed in the event area are recycling stations and bins for cans and plastic bottles. We also have volunteers helping us increase the amounts recycled. Volunteers at drink stations recycle the paper cups used in Göteborgsvarvet. All of the clothes that are left behind at the start and finish line after the race is donated to charity.

Vegetarian food:Drinks and Snacks
We work systematically to minimize our negative environmental impact and from 2023 all food served and sold during our events will be 100% vegetarian. All foods must, to the greatest extent possible, be organic, locally produced and Fairtrade-labelled.
In our effort to be a one-off event, we will not be selling any still bottled water - instead we will be offering water taps that are marked on the maps over the event area. Disposable plastic materials are completely excluded, as are giveaways such as balloons and flyers.

Electricity consumption:We use 100% renewable electricity
The electrical power used during the event is 100% renewable energy from sun, wind and water power, and are provided in collaboration with Göteborg Energi (Gothenburg Energy). Together we arrange a sustainable event all the way!

We offer large parking lots just outside of the city with free shuttle busses to the event area, in the hope of reducing traffic, exhaust from vehicles and congestion.
Runners can book a round trip ticket by train with SJ’s “Runner’s Train” (Löpartåget). Göteborgsvarvet and SJ will then arrange all practical logistics so the runner can rest comfortably and get ready for the race. On the train, the number bib is handed out. The “Runner’s Train” goes from Stockholm to Gothenburg with a few stops in between. The Runner's Train takes a break in 2025 due to extensive track work on the Stockholm–Gothenburg route, but we hope to offer the Runner's Train again in 2026.
In preparation for our race week we coordinate material transports as much as possible, for example to our drink stations.
We continually strive to reduce the emissions caused by our employees’ work travels. In our efforts we gather statistics, ensuring that we can measure a downward trend, and set goals to further reduce our emissions. We also have a travel policy.
Transportations are a large part of Göteborgsvarvet Half Marathon’s environmental impact and are to a large degree dependant on our participants. We therefore encourage our participants to travel by public transport, train or to carpool.

Material consumption:Material and Administration
Göteborgsvarvet always tries to keep strict restraints on consumption without sacrificing the quality of the event. All purchases are made according to a sustainability-adapted purchasing policy.
Since 2020, participants in our half marathon can choose to decline their medal. In the Göteborgsvarvet Marathon, participants can choose to decline their finisher t-shirt.
All disposables, such as paper towels, cleaning supplies, copying paper and other similar products are environmentally friendly. The majority of the signs in the event area are made of a type of plastic that is classified as environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable.
All information is available in digital form. Invoices can be sent our digitally and registration is completely digital. We also set requirements regarding how our sponsors, partners and suppliers work with sustainability.
Contact us:Questions about our sustainability work?
If you have any questions, contact Elin Bondemark, elin.bondemark@goteborgsvarvet.se, sustainability manager Göteborgsvarvet.